A simple photo can share happiness, joy, sorrow, and tragedy. Sometimes beauty is found in the smallest aspects of life.This is my attempt to share a little about what each day brings and the effort to find beauty in all things...
My family and I just returned from our July camp outing. Saying that makes it sound like we went hours away.....
In reality, it was only another short trip to a nearby state park. This time we stayed at Mirror Lake State Park.
Mirror Lake isn't as popular as Devil's Lake, but it's still a nice state park with decent campsites, easy hike trails, and a small, shallow beach.
We stayed for 3 nights this time, and...unlike last time, it didn't rain the majority of the time. We only had one night in which the storms found us. Unfortunately, the humidity on this trip was about the same as last time, and just like on that stay, my hiking was only minimal. *sigh*
I am hoping my weekend outing at the end of August will be better in terms of weather and will afford me some good hiking.
My sister, Gayle, bought herself a larger tent and this was her first time using it. Her sleeping quarters were some of the largest I have seen yet. Her tent is Colossal (with a capital "C"). It has dividers to make 3 rooms and is plenty big enough for herself, Brendan, Fiona, and Winston (their Husky Lab X).
.....and I think they'd still have room in there for another 2-3 people and all their STUFF. My sister seems very happy with her tent.
We spent the outing mostly visiting, doing some very small hikes (mostly to the bathroom *giggles*), and goofing off with Fiona. There was silly string, water guns, and giant purple Frisbees involved. Fiona and I also had a rather engaging game of glow-in-the-dark horse shoes.
.....mostly that involved her handing me the horse shoes and telling me how to throw them. Sometimes Fiona is just too smart for her own good!
On the horse front, I haven't been getting a whole lot of rides in with either horse. We seem to get a handful of nice, comfortable days and then a couple of real hot, humid, and sticky numbers that make me feel like I am a rainforest dweller.
I don't do a lot of riding on days like that, because frankly-- I just don't enjoy it. With that said, however, I DO love just hanging out with my equine boys and so we spend the scorcher afternoons hand grazing, doing pampered grooming, getting cool baths, and a lazy walk here and there.
The spring and fall months are my favorite times to ride and that's when I get the most rides in.
My phone is being a bit of a pain at the moment in letting me get all my photos attached, so I just have a few to share today with no real captions added....
To say that my week hasn't been a happy one would be a bit of an understatement.
I've had a lot of life's little inconveniences (but necessities) get in my way of enjoying things over the last week. While none of them were big, life altering events, I've had enough of the small things annoy me that I just wanted to feel sorry for myself, throw my hands up, and give up.
....and yes, these things too, shall pass...
As much as I'd love to share my frustrations from a "therapy" standpoint, some of it is just too personal to share here so I will just leave it at that.
Early in the week I did do a hike at Devil's Lake. My plan was to hike the 2.8 mile Johnson Moraine Trail, but at some point I misjudged where I was on trail (Note: ALWAYS take your map- even if you think you know a trail well) and I ended up hiking portions of 2 other trails as well as a service road on my way back ( in order to avoid a hill without much of a view).
In retrospect, I should have chosen an easy, super short trail for the day because I was already dealing with some soreness issues in my body.
....but like the stubborn, Dutch lady I am, I chose to ignore what my body was telling me and do the hike I wanted anyway.