Friday, June 24, 2016

I had planned a longer hike this afternoon but.....

My plan after work today was to try to fit in another hike after running a few errands. I was going to do 2 Devil's Lake trails totaling just under 4 miles. 

When I arrived home, however, I was so tired having not slept much in the last 3 days (my own fault) that I took a nap instead. By the time I awoke to my cats demanding dinner, it was well after six (sorry boys).

Not wanting to give up the whole evening to doing nothing, I headed over to the lake anyway and decided to do a short trail with the remaining daylight left.

My choice was the 0.7 mile, Grotto trail on the South shore. I hiked it out and back doing an easy 1.4 miles. least is was better than not getting to hike at all.

I have explored probably just over half of the trails at Devil's Lake. By the end of this summer and into fall, I am hoping to complete all -- if not most of them.

The 2 questionable trails for me are the Potholes trail and the cc c trail (both being extremely difficult trails). I want to be a bit more fit and have some more strength built in my knee/ankle before doing those.

....and I WILL do them..

I have never done the Grottos trail before,  so exploring it tonight was a bit of a treat. It has a few easy hills and dips, but otherwise was a very wide, simple trail.

One thing that is very nice about being able to blog on my cell phone is that I can do so anywhere. The photo below is my current view as I write this!
...So much better than staring at a monitor on a desk!!
The trail had some small bridges.
The views were beautiful!! ...which is so typical of this state park. It's part of the reason so many camp and play here...

Unfortunately,  no photo I can possibly take will ever do it justice.
This last photo is the entrance to the difficult,  Potholes trail. It doesn't look hard in the photo, but when you start up it and realize just how steep it is (going straight up into the bluffs) you can see that it's not for the faint of heart.

I'm hoping I can do some "on trail" photos of the challenging, potholes trail.

Tomorrow, the weather is supposed to be a touch of storms with hot temperatures and dangerous humidity.

My old man Griffin has been quite bothered by some of the hot days we've had so far this summer ( & going off his feed a bit), so I will probably make it a nice bath/spa day for him.
I need to do a pony post maybe some sudsy pics tomorrow (Big Grin)!


  1. I am really really enjoying your blogs about your hike's. I can't do any of them anymore, so the pictures ARE a thousand words, which I otherwise would never behold. Keep up the good work, my lovely daughter..tho I hope it's not so much 'work' as it is pleasure in the views you get. <3 <3

  2. Liyanna,
    Just the fact that you came with me means a lot. I'm itching more than ever to camp in new places and explore new trails. I'd say to keep working on your camper-- because at some point we need to have a long awaited adventure! :-)

  3. *camp* not came. I think auto correct is worse on blogs!!
