Wednesday, June 22, 2016

THAT pretty hike I've been waiting for.....and "Bear Thoughts"

I've been craving a good, nature hike for some time now. I'd hoped to scratch that itch when I was camping, but the questionable weather made that difficult.

So yesterday, when I got done at work, I raced through my normal, afternoon house chores, donned my sneakers, strapped my phone to my arm, and headed over to the Steinke Basin trail head.

The Steinke Basin Trail Loop is a short, 2.4 mile loop that is part of Devil's Lake State Park. This is one of a few trails that have an access point outside of the park. There is a separate parking lot just up the road from the main exit.

I have several, favorite Devil's Lake trails--and this is one of them. This particular hike is considered easy, but there's still enough uphill grades to get your heart rate elevated (unless, of course, you are much more physically fit than I, which is probably most people). I thought this would be just the right hike to do after a long day at work.....not too difficult.....not too long. The weather was also a perfect, 77 degrees.

Since many of my hikes tend to be last minute,  spur of the moment, deals....I am usually solo.

Most folks who know me - know that I am an incredibly deep thinker (often times, too much for my own good).

As I set off on my hike, I let my mind wander as usual......I wondered what life would be like if I didn't have to work. How nice it would be to just enjoy my animals and hike and camp as much as I'd like.  There are so many places I'd like to visit if only I had the funds & time to get there.

Ahhhhh...that elusive, perfect world!

As my feet left the open, sunny section behind and carried me into the woods, I could hear the breeze rustling through the trees with an odd tree creak every now and then. Just myself and nature. Relaxing.

....that is until I heard a small to medium animal move through the woods on my left.

....and I thought about Wisconsin's Black Bear statistics (now, for the record, I know the sound wasn't a bear). I said before, I'm a deep thinker...

The Wisconsin black bear population has risen from approximately 9,000 bears in 1989 to more than 28,000 animals currently.  Black bears are gradually spreading out to more southern parts of the state. 

I was curious of the chances of seeing a Black Bear on some of these remote, forested trails in Devil's Lake.  

It gave me some piece of mind to know that I had done my research on what actions a hiker should take should they come upon on a bear. Unfortunately,  should a bear decide I was a threat, I had nothing at my disposal except for a set of keys to use to protect myself. 

...and I was alone (groups are safer).

I told myself that because I am still fairly south, my chances of encountering a bear on my hike were pretty minimal.

....and so I kept hiking on and enjoyed the beautiful surroundings and the other wildlife. I saw squirrels, a variety of birds, a couple of small rabbits, and  some mosquitos.


Did I just say that?


Not exactly the wildlife one appreciates. Unfortunately,  a few spots on the trail had tiny bridge crossings over some tiny creek bed areas. In those spots, I managed to aquire a few bites. 

Next time, bug spray, chica...

Thankfully, most of the trail was fine however.

At one point, I crossed an access road and saw the only other human I passed while on the trail. A young lady was trail running the other way-- coming towards me.   ....and she was FLYING-- like a gazelle on fire. 

I thought to myself how much I wish I could run like that.....feel that runner's high. If only my lower half weren't so broken and I didn't have a bum knee and a bad ankle. *sigh*

Still....I am grateful for being able to hike, ride horses, and camp. 

....and I plan on doing those things for as long as possible!

....unless a black bear eats me. *laughs*

So I finished my hike uneventful and found myself wishing that it were longer. Next time.

When I arrived home, I did indeed look for information on Black Bears at Devil's Lake. I discovered that there have, in fact, been sightings at DL as far back as 2009. Bear scat (poop) has also been found on the south end of the park. Frightening enough, the sightings have mostly occurred in the Steinke Basin Area where I was just hiking. Yikes! (I wish i could post the info link, but my phone is not letting me add it at the moment. Grrrrr...).

I've been wanting a set of Trekking poles to help me hike hills better. Perhaps now is the time to invest in a set. They could also make a convenient defense tool should, God forbid, I ever need it. 

I know that plenty of hikers hike in far more bear populated areas safely (even among Grizzlies, which Thank the good Lord, we don't have around here). I don't plan to stop hiking, so becoming educated about what to do and hiking smart are the alternatives!

Here are a few photos from my hike. Enjoy!

Parking area. Several cars, but I only saw 1 other hiker/runner.


  1. You write such interesting stories..I enjoyed the 'read', keep doing it...wish I were in better shape to tag along...uhh, without any bears, tyvm. :)

  2. Yep, I knew there were bears in them there woods. I used to frequent Devils Lake back in the day, but never heard of Steinke Basin Trail Loop. Glad you enjoyed a peaceful hike and some grounding mind time.

  3. Liyanna- Please keep reading!! I would love more readers! :-) Some of the short, easy trails here would be fine for you (..and NO bears!).

    I always love a good hike!! I don't get to do it enough. I had planned on hiking more when Griffin retired, but then I started leasing Tex...and that changed.
    Still....I want to try to get more hikes in this summer.
    The Steinke Basin Loop is part of Devil's Lake, but it's not directly in the park. It took me the first couple years I lived here that not all the trail heads begin in the park.

    1. "realize" that not all trail heads are in the park..

    2. "realize" that not all trail heads are in the park..

  4. Liyanna- Please keep reading!! I would love more readers! :-) Some of the short, easy trails here would be fine for you (..and NO bears!).

    I always love a good hike!! I don't get to do it enough. I had planned on hiking more when Griffin retired, but then I started leasing Tex...and that changed.
    Still....I want to try to get more hikes in this summer.
    The Steinke Basin Loop is part of Devil's Lake, but it's not directly in the park. It took me the first couple years I lived here that not all the trail heads begin in the park.
