My sister, Gayle, sent me a couple of photos and a text yesterday...
The text message reads...
She says "Im camping"...LOL Mom just ran in to grab something.
The accompanying photos (which are shared below) are adorable!!
Fiona evidently thought following my mom into her camper was pretty cool. This little girl has camped twice now and it has already proven to bit a hit with her!!
Personally, I am over - the - moon excited that my little niece is already showing an affinity for camping. I am looking forward to many future outings with her along.
Fiona loves being outside so much that getting her to go back inside is sometimes a HUGE chore. She will also take your hand when you are inside and lead you to the door to go outside to play.
What can I say?
I think it's a genetic thing......
I also want to add that I also came across a Facebook posting regarding these photos (and some others) that the dress Fiona is wearing was, at one time, the same dress my mom dressed Gayle in.
Definitely early 80's chic there, mom! I hope you didn't use mothballs (blech)!!
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