Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Unsuspecting Infraction....

I really wanted something fun to write about this week, but my energy level is at an all time low.

Things at work have been chaotic, to say the least. We have an lab audit next week,...and that, although routine, brings about its own set of stresses.

....and if being pulled over a few weeks ago for having a headlight out wasn't enough, I got round two of that yesterday while headed out to take care of Griffin.

This time it wasn't such a logical reason..

Actually, it was a pretty stupid reason if you ask me....

The car I currently own is a '07 Chevy Cobalt SS. I've owned and driven this car for almost 8 years now. For the most part, it's a fun, little sporty looking car to drive. I bought it because I am a HUGE fan of driving manual transmission vehicles.  I feel safer in them and I enjoy driving them.

In addition to this, my car also has mildly tinted windows. I bought the car with them. I also bought the car from a dealership and not a private seller.

I think I said I have driven this car for almost 8 years now.

All over the state....

I have sat next to officers at intersections,  parked next to them in parking lots, gas stations, etc.

I also had a Police officer residing in my apartment building for just under a year. He was nice. We said "Hello" often....and although I don't recall his name, I would remember him if I saw him.

Well last night, a certain female state trooper decided it was my turn to wear the bullseye.

After (quite literally) tailgating me for a good minute and a half,  she turns her lights on and decides to pull me over. Honestly, if she had been any closer to my back end and I had to stop fast, she would have (100%, without a doubt) rear - ended me...

Once captured on the side of the road, I waited a good 5 minutes before she even approached my car.

My lights were ALL in working order.

I wasn't speeding...and in fact, may have been going a few miles under due to the crummy section of highway we were on.

I wasn't drunk, drinking, smoking anything, littering, or swerving...

So seriously? What the ****?

The problem?

My car has tinted windows that she thought were too dark. She produced a meter saying I was 1% away from the legal limit.

In 8 (that's EIGHT) years, I have NEVER been told my car was tinted illegally (even during the 2 previous, minor, stops I've had with this vehicle...neither of which were speeding. I have a clean driving record).

I posed the "why?" of this question TWICE to this officer and was not given a direct answer (only stupid reasons why someone would choose to tint their windows).

I was also not allowed to see the actual meter reading.

Thankfully,  I was only given a warning. The warning also DID NOT state the meter reading.

Something about this whole interaction felt very fishy to me....and admittedly,  the jury is still out on what my next action will be. At this point,  I do not plan to alter my windows until I get another official opinion (and  confirmed measurement).

Still....This whole 25 minute escapade has faltered my trust in law enforcement.  The officer was extremely terse with me....almost if she had been angry that I wasn't, in fact, a drug dealer hiding behind my deliberately, darkened windows secretly plotting the world's demise...... (complete with a paw print magnet on the back of my car that says "All my kids have paws."). There's not a smigeon of a doubt in my mind that she was hoping she'd "get me" on something else...

...especially after reading on line statements from other officers stating that window tinting is a minor issue in my state and rarely a reason alone to make a traffic stop.

For whatever reason, this police officer did manage to succeed at one thing...

Significantly ruining my evening.... tonight, I am relaxing with my feline family members, putting my feet up, and treating myself to some pizza and a Dr. Pepper...

Tomorrow is another day (....and no hopefully better than the last 2)!

I have inserted photos below of my car....In the same appearance it was when I purchased it.....

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