I've been very behind on my blogging lately...
It didn't really help that my week last week was so busy, I felt like I needed to add time to breathe into my schedule.
I did do one fun thing, however....
Paint Nite.
Paint Nite is a series of random, get togethers at various businesses (usually places that involve eating, alcohol, entertainment, or a combination of all three). It's a sort of crash course in creating a nice, canvas painting in a group setting.
An interested person buys tickets ahead of time to attend and participate. They are provided with all the materials (i.e brushes, paints, a paint smock, and canvas) to create a painting. Each paint nite has a selected painting and an artist who is present to provide instruction for each person to create "their own version" of that painting.
Of course, if the individual wishes to create a different painting or variation of the provided example, they are free to do that as well.
More information on Paint Nite can be found HERE.
As it turns out, my sister, Gayle, had coupons for any Paint Nites in the month of October. She had already done one earlier in the month and enjoyed it.
After talking about it with my mom, they decided doing one with the 3 of us together might be fun. With me being a poor horse owner and my sister a poor parent, my mom offered to buy the tickets for all of us....
At first, I wasn't completely sure I wanted to go with how crazy my daily schedule has been lately..
....then I looked at the painting we would be creating and fell in love with it. Bonus points were added because it had a dog in it...(although, of course, I would have loved a cat or horse themed painting even more :-D ).
I agreed to go, thinking my apartment could definitely use a little more wall decor...
Unfortunately, when that evening finally rolled around (last Wednesday), I found myself feeling quite run down physically and under the weather. A sore throat was plaguing me and threatening to turn into a full blown, cold.
How nice (insert sarcasm).
In spite of my physical self not wanting to cooperate, I still wanted to go. I dredged my way through work, and somehow managed to find the extra umph to get myself there (thankfully, the hosting business was close by).
Our artist's name was Laura Clark and she did a fabulous job giving us encouragement and instruction. I wish I had gotten a photo of her with the original painting.
With a few cans of Dr. Pepper (I rarely drink), and a bit of concentration, I have to say I enjoyed the evening and came away with a painting I liked.
Oh....and I almost forgot. The dog in my painting has a cat friend! :-)
...and perhaps the best part? I never got a full-blown cold, just a few little aches and pains and that pesky sore throat.
As always -- photos are below.
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