Wednesday, September 9, 2015


I'm having a hard time with motivation today.
Yesterday was a pretty busy work day...and well today looks like it will be more of the same today.
I did manage to get to the barn last night. It was Tex's night, so we had a nice ride in the woods. The photo below is him. He has such a "puppy dog" sort of face that I love. The photos don't really do him justice...
It seems Griffin is back on to the "I'm not going to finish my grain (with my medicine in it) kick again. I'm praying that it's something simple like the hot weather and that his appetite will return now that things are getting cooler temperature wise.
After he hurt himself last fall, we went through a serious bought of this MAJOR picky Eater syndrome for quite awhile. I think I tried half a dozen different feeds to see if I could find something he would happily eat. I also spent a lot of $$.
When he was diagnosed with Cushings, the medication for that did not help matters either. Prascend (drug name: Pergolide) as it is called, is known to mess with a horse's appetite when they first start it.
I thought we were on the upswing when Grif started eating good again earlier this summer. I was delighted that he was back to eating the Purina Senior which he normally does well on. I had just asked Tammy to increase his feed in an effort to get a bit more weight on him for winter.
....and now he's leaving food again.
I'm discouraged.  I don't feel like playing Russian Roulette with feed again. If his appetite doesn't improve again, I'm not sure what my next move will be....


  1. Sorry to hear Griffin isn't eating as well as you would like, hope that gets better!!

  2. Thank you, Aurora...
    He's always been a fussy eater. He was diagnosed with Cushings last year and I think that just complicates everything....
